Ask the Wife Again Nbme 3

How can my adulterous wife say "It just happened". We have been married for 37 yrs. Her affair was 4 years into our marriage. Back then she was 26 yrs old and really didn't "know what she was doing"
I wasn't naive to what was going on, just I knew in my heart she was cheating.
She says that her lover had an apartment above the buisness where the ii of them had sex. My wife made me motion out of our house, and I was the sole care giver for my 2 piddling girls while she and her lover were together all week-terminate somewhere. She would'northward't tell me at kickoff. Then she lied to me saying that she was out of town to a shelter for women in here aforementioned state of affairs. When asked she couldn't remember the name of shelter or where it was located.
In that location are more heart stabbing stuff that I won't get into now.
So, she denied the affair for 31 years, but confessed it 4 weeks ago. I've been a mess since then. I tin't tolerate the pain I'm having bow. How practise I end this?

KitKat77 avatar


nine years ago

Well it happened many yeaRS ago,i know information technology hurts just you accept to let it go,talk to her about information technology.Why did she confess?to get it off her chest?put it on yours?Im deplorable y'all feel like this,i know the hurting,love hurts...Are y'all because divorce?

Teiah54 avatar


9 years ago

is the affair over?.. did you lot ask her why she's telling this at present?



nine years ago

The matter lasted half dozen months. We are still together,as far as revelaion
she stated that she didn't want to hurt me so she kept denying it. And, yeah the disclosure was a 31 year onetime apology. Her attitude is "OK, it happened I apologize, I'm sorry, It was an "oops! My bad.

Teiah54 avatar


9 years agone

i'm sorry for your pain and her insensitivity.. ☹️ .. can you look past information technology since it'south been years ago? is there a reason why reason she's telling yous now, or have you been at her the terminal 31 years for a confession? what happened that it came out now?



9 years agone

I have not bewitched her about it. Information technology ordinarily happens after she throws some dirt at me almost past girlfriends. I told her that I wasn't the one who broke our vows, and committed adultry. I have been totally faithful to our vows.

Teiah54 avatar


9 years ago

you lot guys need therapy 😊.. by relationships are what made y'all who you lot are. you lot chose each other for the mere fact that those experiences made you the way you lot are, not proverb it made yous perfect. LOL.. there is no need to bring up the by, the reason she does might be cuz she's insecure and out of guilt. and y'all brining upward her affair will not help. do y'all forgive her for the affair?



9 years ago

Yes. I gave to her my unconditional forgivess. But I'grand nonetheless trying to handle the hurt and pain. How Long does information technology have to end the horrible thoughts of them making love?



9 years agone

Well, you are the one who'll determine how long the suffering will last.

It's not piece of cake to get over it, maybe you should have some space away from her for a few days, or equally long as you lot need, things are too heated correct now. Yous should talk to her and ask her the reasons why she did information technology, remember if your relationship was at a bad state then.

DON'T get into detail nearly the matter, she had one and at present information technology's over.

She's been a adept wife to you all these years also those times? Has she made upwardly for her mistakes even if you didn't know nearly them? She really regretted cheating on yous?

Once more, y'all should really take some time off for yourself and to process all of this in order to let it become, but try to non torture yourself going to much into the details, information technology's non worth it.

Those may involvement you:



9 years ago

Thank you for the empathy and caring. Nosotros've had 2 counselling ssessions but no progress. She refused to requite any details about the affair when asked. She's very defensive and blames me for the matter as my error notwithstanding says it wasn't anything I neglected as far as her needs. I'm confused!

Teiah54 avatar


nine years agone

you believe that you gave her all that she needs.. and you may have, every bit you thought what her needs are/were... but those things might not be exactly what she needed from you. why would you want details??? do you know that most girls take the affair not because of the physical stuff, it's the emotional stuff...

y'all wanting details?? do y'all know what kind of things that will rehash for her?? if she had an thing with the guy, information technology'southward nearly likely that she felt things for him, not but physical urges.. exist the man that helps her to permit information technology go.. and it seems that she has, but yous wanting more than of information technology only brings up memories of the other guy for her. is that what you really desire?? yes, y'all have the right to know somethings, but try to option your battles. it'due south done and over with for years. now be wary. it volition take time for y'all to trust her, simply similar Isa said, if she's been a good wife to you all these other times,.. she's probably tried to make upwardly for information technology without you knowing or recognizing the sacrifices she'due south made.



9 years ago

Your words ring true. Thanks

Teiah54 avatar


9 years ago

hope you can work it out 😊



9 years ago

whatsoever wife that cheats is a ***** *****. she could get aids and giveit to y'all and you wouldn't fifty-fifty know how yous got it.



viii years agone

Gees after xxx plus years of marriage she finally admits to the affair? Yous had a proficient idea and knew nearly information technology and did nothing to make her take accountability for her actions? Let me enquire you a question, is the merely reason she finally admits to information technology is because maybe now you are starting to deed like a human being should when dealing with her? Or is she only a footling to onetime and to get laid or have any more affairs? I practise non know what to say but you are bothered now finally, she told you because she is finally afraid of y'all leaving her. And by all accounts you should. If she has enough guts to ask you lot why merely tell her your going out to have some affairs and similar she told you lot it is just going to happen. Yous should of taped the confessions from her and sent copies of it to your kids to let them know the ***** and existent ***** she was and probably still is.I am willing to bet that she had a lot more affairs than the one she has admitted to you most. Write us back and permit us know. My friend if you were a human being you should leave her now when nobody wants her deplorable butt anymore. You have endured plenty pain and suffering for hundreds of men. Drop her like a hot potatoe and exit of this relaitonship.😤 😲



eight years ago

Teiah54, do yous truly believe what you are saying? I hate to say this but i would have to believe more than of what Mr. Tyson Waters said, why after thirty plus years of marriage fifty-fifty admit a affair if there is no hard evidence to be uncovered? I am more readily to believe what Tyson said, she more than likely has had additional diplomacy and by admitting to one she hopes that her hubby wont blow a gasket and leave her when he finds out about the other affairs. And to and additional insult to injury she is thirty years older and finally realizes she deceit practise the cheater excursion whatever longer. There are a awful lot more younger and prettier women do that excursion now than her.Perchance he has finally grown a ready of assurance that he should of had thirty years agone. And if any wife after thirty years is willing to spill her guts about getting her animalism on with another man she is worried, and i hope her husband goes out and has lots of affairs and when his married woman asks why? Just say, it but happened dearest, and i desire a divorce from your adulterous and ***** ****.😈 😈 😠 😲



8 years ago

I completely understand your position, i read the recent postal service of a man who was married for thirty years seems but now to be addressing her unfaithfulness well-nigh a incident 16 years ago. Information technology is earth shattering, and some men cannot always recover from this and seeing psychologists is extremely expensive if you have no health care coverage.I have no correct to criticize or critique your situation. After all these years she finally admits it considering you are about to observe out the whole truth. Pretty feeble alibi if you ask me. But i suggest you go some help for this if you accept the money if not there are the ane-800- that will give you some gratuitous fourth dimension to talk. I believe you do not take to accept this bull story in my stance. She did what she did through just pure animalism and selfishness,no more no less. There can be no other excuse or reason. Did she ever say there was something wrong with y'all? Did she ever admit that counselling was needed to try and correct something wrong in your marriage? Well did she? I suspect not. I believe you accept to tell her you need some alone time to think if staying married to her is the best solution for yous. You lived in her lies for so many years , why take anymore. Inquire her to give you reasons why y'all should stay married later the living lies of how many years? Tell her to call yous in a about a week , pack your bag and go and stay in a hotel and wait to meet what **** she will now try to throw at you to stay in the marriage. And then after listening to her reply you decide if you tin can stay married to a sneaky lieing **** who only thought of her own selfish wants and needs. Now she knows that y'all are upset and doesn't want you lot to exit. Finally yous might have some leverage against her. Make her earn your beloved dorsum and if she does not so she is not worth staying married to her afterwards-all. Y'all have your sanity and well being to look later on also. Do not be deceived by her verbiage.
Think with your head on your shoulders and not the caput between your legs my friend.Good-luck.😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😤 😤

Those may involvement you:



viii years agone

Final comments here, i believe strongly like the other advisers she has been bed jumping for quite some time and that is why she finally has come clean. And if what my fellow counselors say are true you have to grow a set of balls as a human being and put your foot down and go out of the relationship. Finally if true, she has been effectually the cake as well much and nobody wants her cheating trunk anymore other than you my friend? Yes? No? Not to insult or hurt you merely invest a few bucks and find out what exactly she has been doing. A partial investigation shouldn't be too expensive and it will give you difficult hitting answers while y'all are having lone time in the hotel which i strongly recommend yous exercise. Oh yes, tell your wife your are coming clean and getting her investigated and remind her what yous find out could exist the last smash in her coffin. Good-luck. Commencement the New- Year correct, exercise not be her fool any longer my friend. Please permit us know what happens. You have my deepest sympathy hither. Getting cheated on *****, but deprival is even worse, especially if she at present admits to her indiscretion or indiscretions.........😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😤 😤 😤 😤 😤 😤 😤 😤 😤 😤 😤 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭



8 years ago

I doubtable Teiah, she has been dragging a mattress around for quite a few years and only coming clean considering nobody wants her anymore. I could exist wrong, if i am then i will gladly eat your criticism against me. Time volition only tell.😊 😈 😈



8 years ago

Rob; you have covered every bespeak and hit the blast right each time with your hammer. Tiah,sorry i have to concord with rob peters on this. Nobody wants her torso anymore and perchance she wants a divorce only to salve confront,if that is the case dude y'all better become out of this **** up state of affairs. What a screwed up mess...😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈



vii years ago

This is to TJthe original about an update its been some time since y'all posted .did your situation ever improve if non what finally happened and where are you at at present / new relationship/ nonetheless single / still hung up over your situation???



vii years ago

TJ'due south final mail service was two years agone. So expert luck with that.



one year agone

Another used and abused man just used for security I'D still divorce her even now but to show her what she did was not acceptable to me. Morals are morals and we need to stick past them even if it causes pain to do so. People like her both men and women need to learn there are consequences to their actions.


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